featured our Peach Bread Pudding recipe and had this to say:
"Big Sky’s bread pudding recipe starts with a basic custard used throughout the year for other seasonal bread puddings like apple for fall and banana in winter. But Weiss employs a simple technique to make the bread pudding’s texture a bit lighter. To make it “more custard than quiche,” he adds air by whipping the eggs and sugar for several minutes until the mixture reaches the ribbon stage. Weiss also adds butter in tiny cubes. When the bread pudding bakes, the butter melts to enrich the whole pan but still, he says, tiny pockets of butter remain, adding to the taste experience."
This dish is only available at Sunday brunch, but for the week of July 22-27 you can get it at lunch and dinner too! Thank you to Kathy Ziegenmier for requesting the recipe. You can see the full article and recipe here.
"Big Sky’s bread pudding recipe starts with a basic custard used throughout the year for other seasonal bread puddings like apple for fall and banana in winter. But Weiss employs a simple technique to make the bread pudding’s texture a bit lighter. To make it “more custard than quiche,” he adds air by whipping the eggs and sugar for several minutes until the mixture reaches the ribbon stage. Weiss also adds butter in tiny cubes. When the bread pudding bakes, the butter melts to enrich the whole pan but still, he says, tiny pockets of butter remain, adding to the taste experience."
This dish is only available at Sunday brunch, but for the week of July 22-27 you can get it at lunch and dinner too! Thank you to Kathy Ziegenmier for requesting the recipe. You can see the full article and recipe here.